Friday, 21 October 2011

The heart of a woman!

There is a never ending journey the heart will make. What it chooses while on the journey will never be the regrets for tomorrow, it will only be the chances that it has taken. This heart met a young lad, two hearts spoke of the world unknown only to fall apart, somewhere along the journey.
But a woman's heart has its own ways to compensate for every drop of tear shed, for every sorrow it faces, for every misery it feels and for every details of the pain she goes through.
Her heart is a breeding ground for love that might have seemed to be impossible in the beginning of the journey. Everything that her heart ever desired falls apart, broken pieces remain idle within her, creating a confusion which is far from any man's comprehension.
The sombre life that follows after every heart that is broken itself is the epitome of a failing heart, it is a personification of the life once lived in laughters and happiness, only to be taken all away in a blink of an eye.
When a woman's heart is broken, it kills her for a moment. Period! But then, what seems to have been branded as the weaker sex aint that weak at all. Like how a new mother learns to perfect motherhood, like how a daughter shoulders the responsibility of an ageing parent, like how a wife learns to be the keeper, a woman's heart learns to let go and start life all over again.

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